My original thoughts about Japan was that it had such an interesting experimental music and art scene that it would be easy to meet japanese people who have similar interests to myself, in wierd and wonderful culture.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Simultaneously Stagnant & Static
So for my last post this semester I'm actually at a loss, as to what to write about. The theme is changing impressions of Japan and I guess I'm finding it hard to write about because my opinions are exactly that, 'constantly changing'. Its hard for me to pin down a thought without thinking about a different situation where I could easily come to the oppisite conclusion.
Some aspects of the culture seem very traditional and unchanged such as the formal way dinner is sometimes presented at a Japanese household. Some nights I've had are just like being in any other multi-cultural cosmopolitan city, albeit with a distinctly Japanese flavour.
My original thoughts about Japan was that it had such an interesting experimental music and art scene that it would be easy to meet japanese people who have similar interests to myself, in wierd and wonderful culture.
I have discovered however that the majority of people I meet are only interested in the latest pop song, or talent/idol that the media is pushing at the time. Perhaps this has something to do with the Gaidai bubble but I get the impression that it is like this all over Japan. What this seems to do however is create extremely niche sub-cultures where the people who love it, really, really love it, and the people who make it are phenomenally talented. Japan for me is also the land of the spectacle, where thousands of people will commute to see different coloured leaves, or some gates with lights on them. (I mean yeah they're pretty, but which other country in the world makes an effort to brave the massive crowds, just to go and stand under some lights with your mates?!?)
For me these types of events seem to be more about connecting with people rather than the event itself. With some aspects of Japanese culture being so rigid, such as social interaction, these events may act as the social-lube required on a date with someone that you dont know very well. Or maybe it is true that Japanese people appreciate the aesthetic beauty more and so gain a greater fullfilment from visiting them.
My original thoughts about Japan was that it had such an interesting experimental music and art scene that it would be easy to meet japanese people who have similar interests to myself, in wierd and wonderful culture.
Tribal Witchdoctory in Neo-Osaka
The event was called Drumandara at Namba Bears Livespace, and I went there expecting to see ten bands. I was shocked and excited when I opened the door to 10 drum kits and knew I was in for a special night. Everyone in the small crowd of about 20 people gave a small applause as the drummers began to take their places before quickly falling silent.
Members included: Aono Tadahiko/WATCHMEN(ex. Melt Banana), Yosuke Okamoto (neco sleep/rythm dada), 10 sand island NANI (Bogulta), Pikachuu (Afrirampo) just to name a few.
The owner of the club and band member of the Boredoms, Yamamoto Seiichi was set to be the shamanistic ringleader as he waved his totemic styrofoam pole to control the tempo and changes
of the drumming orgy. However he spent most of the time sitting right in the middle of this cacaphony of crash symbols, and after about half an hour, the natural unrehearsed rythms started to take on a life of their own with no need for direction. They had succeeded in evoking the almighty spirits of the Drumandara!!~
It was such an amazing experience listening to the tempo's slowly build and grow and morph like some kind of entity struggling to existence before reaching a plateu where it was free to explore itself. The drummers were instinctivley answering each others calls in a primitive orgiastic language of rythm, which at some points, began to take on an ethereal quality akin to the half heard/half imagined cries and chants which I've heard occur during zimbabwean mbira(thumb piano) or traditional african djembe drum sessions.
(Damn you small inadequate bladder... why did you make me miss out on precious seconds of aural extacy!?!!)
My new Aussie mate from Melbourne whom I met at the show and who had also come the previous night, informed me after the concert that the first night was more comedic, with drummers experimenting with playing on different surfaces such as an ashtray which was then thrown into the middle of the circle. He said that
night was good, but this night was awesome. He even got to keep the shaman stick although I'm not sure if he had to reserve an extra seat on the plane for it...
Monday, November 9, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Sex toys...
These figures on the right are 'super cute' versions of sexualized school girls, and would be instantly demonized as peadophelia, and banned if they tried to sell them in Australia. I recently asked one of my Japanese friends why pornography is so common in Japan, and her reply was that maybe Japanese people are too shy to have sex with each other, so they need another form of indirect sexual experience to fullfill they're sexual urges. I suppose that considering Japan is the land of the cute item, applying that 'cuteness' to pornography is a natural progression.
I cant help but think of how these readily available and accesible sexual images are influencing the minds of young, impressionable children who must surely see these kinky dolls every so often as they try to find their favorite Vegeta or Goku. Having these sexual images and toys as commonplace items will surely help perpetuate the ideology of female sexual objectification among Japanese men and women. I also wonder how long it will be until we start seeing sex robots and what effect that will have on population growth. Who knows maybe that could have a positive environmental outcome? I just hope they dont look anything like the figure below...
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Donkey Surprise!!
But then, BIKKURI! theres a donkey running the show!
This funny little character is done in the typical Japanese kawaii (cute)
style with the big eyes and a cheezy grin, and smells like a formulaic marketing ploy to me...
Step 1. Food - Hamburgers (everybody likes hamburgers!!)
Step 2. Exotic Cultural Paraphenalia (Barn style room, tractor, liscence plates, wooden barrels... yeah that oughtta do it)
Senior Donkey wasn't the only surprise, the hamburgers were available on a hotplate with your choice of rice, salad, spaghetti, cheese, egg, steak or chips but not a hamburger bun in sight!
So where does this cullinary, amalgamation of cultures sit within our idealized, authentic food experience expectations? I'm sure that not many people think about the incredible amount of cultural and historical events that transpired for Donkey Surprise to come into existence as they're chowing down on their chiizu hanbaaguu. Besides theres more important things to think about like the beautiful view of Kobe harbour, or trying to impress your date by not getting oily, hamburger drippings all over your shirt, and the table.
I guess this place is not really Japanese or American, but a mixture of ideas that creates a new exotic cultural experience, and after all, havn't humans been doing this for as long as we have existed anyway? Nothing new is created without knowledge, and experience of the things prior, and cultures don't just suddenly appear and stay the same for thousands of years. Cross-cultural interaction and the exchange, and blending of ideas is what makes us such an inventive and successful species. I think globalization has existed long before the roman letters used to spell it were ever invented, and it seems like the only difference about the way Japan imports and uses cultural ideas, is that they don't get so hung up about keeping the idea in its original format. Japan grabs what it likes and integrates it into its existing culture without a second thought, and its all right there on the surface. Or is it?.........
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Base'ic differences.

One thing I have noticed about Japanese sports is how dedicated they seem to be. I mean some sports clubs meet 5 times a week for three hours or more, that leaves barely any time for partying!! There seems to be more importance placed on the team than I've experienced in any of the sports I've played, or seen being played. After watching the DVD 'Kokoyakyo - High School Baseball' I was really amazed at the dedication and emotions brought out by the complete focus on the team success. They seemed to really wear their hearts on their sleeves and always pay their respects to the opposing team which I believe is a really admirable trait.

We recently went to a baseball game with a group of Japanese students. Apparently it's getting close to the end of the season so it was a bit of a pointless game to watch (in terms of the team standings), but there were still many fans who came to cheer for both teams. The home side was the Orix Buffaloes and they were playing the Rakuten Eagles.

What surprised me was that our Japanese friends didn't really seem to mind who won, as long as we got to see some good plays, we were actually cheering for a tie in the hopes of getting to watch a longer match. So as my German friend picked a side to barrack for to cheer his team on, and playfully slur the other team (they ended up losing... sorry mate), I couldn't help admire the cheering just for the love of the game.
My American room-mate also explained to me, that the Japanese teams are much more skillful around the infield when compared to American teams. Also that American players usually try to slug every ball and try to get a home run, whereas Japanese teams are more about loading up the bases. Another thing my Japanese friend told me was that they're coach was very well respected and known for yelling at the players when it was necessary. It seems to me that coaches in most sports have a similar job, which is to know your players. To know when to push them and when to hold back. It seems as though even though the emphasis is placed on the team as a whole, a heavy burden rests on the coaches shoulders.
There was also a team of cheerleaders, which I am told is another difference to the American game. I felt the cheer squad (trombones and all) were as much a part of the team as anyone else, and all the die hard fans were happy to support their team no matter the odds.
Buffaloes Website:
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